1. Who is credited with taking the first "permanent" photograph?Joseph Nicephore Niepce 2. What specific materials did Louis Daguerre use to create the first "commercial photographic material"? Heavily plated sheet of silver plated copper 3. What type of images is Ansel Adams famous for? Landscape Photography 4. What are the three fundamental settings you need to understand to be an excellent photographer? Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO 5. What are the three types of metering modes? Matrix, center weighted, spot 6. When does the article suggest you use "Center-weight" metering? When prioritizing center of frame 7. What is one very specific subject does the article suggest would be great for "Spot" metering? Photographing the moon 8. What are the four Camera Modes? Program, shutter priority, aperture, manual 9. What is the difference between the Aperture and Shutter priority modes? On shutter, you set the shutter speed and it automatically sets a...